Michael Buckley of the Bilerico project has a challenge for cutters and bulimics, encouraging us to say something nice about ourselves and about Demi Lovato, the young actress who recently went into treatment to deal with her eating disorder and struggle with cutting.
Here is what I had to say:
It's hard to find something nice to say about myself because I am mentally and physically handicapped and morbidly obese. I'm formerly bulimic and used to cut. But I am very devoted to my family and I would like to change the hatefulness in this world to love.
As for Demi Lovato, I very much hope that she finds the help she needs to love HERSELF, not to worry about what she looks like outside, and even more important, to not worry what OTHERS think about her. Yes, she's pretty, but more important, she seems to have inner beauty. It's the inner beauty that lasts.
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