George Takei is awesome, but this joke isn't necessarily. It was on his Facebook page, which generally I recommend and love. And I love George, but I don't love size prejudice. Well, this is the comment that I left.
I heard about all the mean spirited comments regarding this photo and I have to say I am saddened. First of all, why all the hate towards people based on body size? We should judge each other on our actions, not on our appearance.
Secondly, what a boring world it would be if we all looked the same. Number 12 looks just like you. I'm not going to explain it. If you don't know what I mean, look it up.
Third, shaming never made anyone the way others think they should be. If it did, there would be no people with addictions, no fat people, no anorexic people, and everyone would be the same religion or lack thereof.
What gives some of you the right to believe that everyone "chooses" to be the size they are or have the appearance they have? I did not "choose" to be in an auto accident, one of the consequences of which was damage to my kidneys. I do not "choose" to have to walk with a cane. I do not "choose" to be the size I am, but it would hurt a lot less if there were fewer hateful people.
George, I love you and I don't think you are being hateful, but please think about it. You have never had issues with your weight. Size is not all about "sitting around stuffing your face constantly" or even not working out. There are healthy fat people and there are unhealthy thin ones. I wish I were a healthier fat one but due to my physical limitations I can't work out very much. And no, I do not eat constantly.
Please, people, think about the hate you spew. Is it really necessary?
I weigh 425 pounds. I am a human being. You may not find me beautiful, but it is not your right to behave hatefully towards me simply because you find me unattractive.
People dare to say that Amy Winehouse, who died today at the age of 27 from a drug overdose, was "a drain on the world" because she was a drug addict.
These people do not understand the power of addiction. It isn't fully understood in the medical community either. In some people, the satiation centers of the brain are triggered by certain substances, causing overwhelming cravings.
Amy was not able to gain control over these cravings. But this does not make her "a waste." She had a beautiful voice. She seemed like a nice person. She also seemed terribly lost in many ways. I am very sorry for her death, and for the difficulties she encountered in life.
I too have encountered people who have the audacity to tell me that I'm "a waste of space," a "drain on the world," even "bankrupting America." That I'm lazy and have no self-control.
Because I am a very large human being. I weigh 425 pounds. I usually walk with a cane, but when I am feeling particularly exhausted or having a significant amount of pain, I will use one of the scooters at the store, even though I *can* walk. I was in an accident eight years ago that left me with a spinal cord injury and impaired kidney function. Admissibly, a fair bit of my weight gain came from comfort eating once I could eat again. I was very depressed and simply did not give a shit about gaining weight. All I knew is that now I was in constant pain, incontinent of urine, and might have to be on dialysis for the rest of my life. The last thing I cared was staying skinny to please other people.
At this point I do not eat any more than other people. Some days I probably eat less. But nobody believes this because I am so big. I work out in a therapy pool. I can't do exercises that put a lot of strain on my joints. If a person can do high-impact, high-intensity workouts, good for them. I used to spend hours in the gym to keep myself below 200 pounds. Those days are gone forever.
So, it seems, is any chance of being left alone to live my life in peace. I would never go up to someone who was chain-smoking and tell them that their filthy habit was "costing me more money" or tha they should "just die." And I would never go up to a skinny person and tell them that their "anorexia" was going to end them up in the hospital and thus would "cost me more money." First of all, how do I know that they're anorexic? Maybe they are on chemotherapy. Maybe they have Marfan syndrome. Maybe they have some other disease. Or maybe they're just skinny. And how do I know what their eating habits are? I've known skinny people who can pack in more food at a buffet hour than I could think about eating in a day's worth of meals!
When I go to buffets, I tend to load up on salad, then have a good portion of meat for protein. But whose damn business is it if I decide I'd like a bit of macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, or a dinner roll or two with that? If I weighed 125 pounds, no-one would be giving me the stink eye if I had twice the amount of food on my plate or if I was eating nothing but desserts. If you're fat you can be eating nothing but carrots and people will still assume that you're a glutton.
The bigger drain on the world comes from people who see the need to spew their hate and judgment everywhere.
You don't know Amy Winehouse. You don't know what drove her to addictive behavior. You don't know how it felt to be her, to live with the shame and the pain she must have felt. So don't judge her.
And you don't know me. You don't know why I'm fat. You don't know what my eating habits are. You don't know what medications I may be on or what physical reasons I may have for being the size I am. You don't know why I'm riding one of those scooters to do my shopping or to get down the street.
So stuff your judgments where the sun don't shine. Because they belong with the rest of your shit.
Tiger Beatdown, a feminist website, posted about a particularly vile douchebag in the world of rap calling himself "Tyler the Creator." You can read more about this filthy little puke here. The author compared his lyrics to some of Eminem's more outrageous lyrics. I had this to say:
Eminem has said some things for shock value, but I've never heard of him encouraging the kind of vitriol that this little douchebag uses against women. Someone needs to kick him in the 'nads, so hard. It is downright sickening that he can get an audience. Sadly, we have not come a long way, Baby. In fact in some ways I think the misogyny is at an all time high. Women are now, more than ever before, expected to be little more than eye candy. If a woman stands up for herself, she "deserves" the backlash that comes to her.
Michael Buckley of the Bilerico project has a challenge for cutters and bulimics, encouraging us to say something nice about ourselves and about Demi Lovato, the young actress who recently went into treatment to deal with her eating disorder and struggle with cutting.
Here is what I had to say:
It's hard to find something nice to say about myself because I am mentally and physically handicapped and morbidly obese. I'm formerly bulimic and used to cut. But I am very devoted to my family and I would like to change the hatefulness in this world to love. As for Demi Lovato, I very much hope that she finds the help she needs to love HERSELF, not to worry about what she looks like outside, and even more important, to not worry what OTHERS think about her. Yes, she's pretty, but more important, she seems to have inner beauty. It's the inner beauty that lasts.
So many other people have so eloquently expanded on what I wanted to say when I read this. For me it boiled down to a simple "WTF???" A female Frankie? A skinny Eddie? It just ain't right! I'm a straight woman, as vanilla as they come, with a few (ok a lot of) extra pounds on my frame, and I am horrified by all the hate that I see in the world, whether it be hatred of big people, hatred of homosexuals, hatred of cross-dressers, or hatred of whatever race. I love the original Rocky Horror film and am disgusted that the spark was taken out of it. If someone had asked me to do a send-up of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, it would have looked nothing like this travesty! Shame on the producers/writers of Glee for doing this.
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