This was my response to an article by Alex Blaze of the Bilerco Project about the "Glee" mutilation of Rocky Horror Picture Show.
So many other people have so eloquently expanded on what I wanted to say when I read this. For me it boiled down to a simple "WTF???"
A female Frankie? A skinny Eddie? It just ain't right!
I'm a straight woman, as vanilla as they come, with a few (ok a lot of) extra pounds on my frame, and I am horrified by all the hate that I see in the world, whether it be hatred of big people, hatred of homosexuals, hatred of cross-dressers, or hatred of whatever race.
I love the original Rocky Horror film and am disgusted that the spark was taken out of it. If someone had asked me to do a send-up of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, it would have looked nothing like this travesty! Shame on the producers/writers of Glee for doing this.